Celebrating An Exceptional Cattle Rancher Making a Positive Impact with a People Magazine Feature

Spotlighting cattle ranchers with captivating stories primed for the news media allows Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. to further establish beef as the top protein for taste and nutrition among Americans, while also offering a behind-the-scenes look at the hard-working ranchers responsible for raising the food we eat.

Media Relations & Influencer Marketing
Premium Food & Beverage


As Beef’s national consumer communications partner, Linhart PR needed to reach consumers nationwide with the true stories behind cattle ranching, including the positive impacts and benefits of doing this important job, while also highlighting the care ranchers give to their animals.


After conducting a series of information-gathering interviews and identifying a human interest People reporter who specifically focuses on veteran stories, Linhart PR created an enticing, customized pitch by:

  • Dialing into Marvin’s differentiators: Though Marvin’s battle with PTSD following active military duty is not necessarily unique, his journey of recovery through agri-therapy and his commitment to helping fellow veterans also find healing by hosting retreats at his ranch set him apart. Leading with this angle ultimately helped land an exclusive feature story.
  • Adding timeliness and promoting striking visuals: Linhart PR anchored the pitch around a pre-planned event Marvin was hosting at his ranch in partnership with the Wounded Warrior Project. It consisted of sessions filled with healing practices for 13 veteran attendees, including yoga, a farm tour and various speakers. A perfect occasion for media coverage, Linhart PR invited the target reporter to attend the event for an up-close look at agri-therapy in action. To perfectly capture – and wrangle! – the array of compelling visuals of Marvin and event attendees interacting with the cattle, the team assembled a photography shot list to guide how the story would be presented visually. The result was cattle prominently featured in photos throughout the story, including in the hero image on the first page of the piece.
  • Leveraging interviews to humanize cattle ranching: Once the People reporter committed to attending the event, Linhart PR planned a series of interviews for her – via video and in-person – with Marvin and his wife, where the two shared details about the incredible bond Marvin has with his animals, his appreciation for their nonjudgmental nature, and how caring for cattle has promoted his overall wellbeing.


The team secured a July 2022 People magazine 6-page print-edition feature story on Marvin’s journey to cattle ranching and agri-therapy. The story also ran on People.com, was syndicated by Yahoo Entertainment and was promoted on People’s official Twitter account, resulting in more than 607 million impressions. The story was positive in sentiment, celebrated ranching and showcased the quality care and attention Marvin delivers to his cattle every day. It’s a must-read piece!

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