Over the last several years, Colorado communities have expressed a growing interest in renewable energy leadership, to reduce carbon emissions and to support economic development. Colorado’s Renewable Energy Standard requires utilities to adopt cleaner energy and many communities have signed on to the Sierra Club’s “Ready for 100” pledge. To support these aspirations, and as part of its work toward franchise renewal in a key city in its service territory, an investor-owned utility with a customer-focused, growth-oriented perspective built two wind farms and several community solar gardens.
After building the infrastructure, the electric utility needed to bolster its reputation among residents, community leaders and elected officials as an innovative, forward-looking energy source that's meeting and exceeding mandates and helping "Ready for 100" communities meet clean energy goals with abundant wind and solar resources.
Over a three-year timeframe, the utility partnered with Linhart PR to plan and execute three community relations campaigns that built recognition for two new wind farms and two community solar gardens, while promoting the utility’s commitment to achieving lower energy costs for customers through renewable energy:
Through the three community relations campaigns, Linhart PR helped the utility engage with Colorado communities around their new renewable energy offerings:
Learn more about our six-step community engagement process and how we can support your stakeholder engagement needs.