Sharing a Rancher’s Story to Tout the Health Benefits of Beef

Beef. It’s What’s for Dinner. is on a mission to establish beef as the top protein choice for taste and nutrition among Americans, while also sharing stories of how beef is raised and by whom. Through its partnership with Linhart PR, Beef seeks to secure national news coverage of both.

Media Relations & Influencer Marketing
Premium Food & Beverage


Linhart PR was tasked with reaching consumers nationwide with news that 1) told cattle rancher stories in a compelling, positive way, and 2) touted beef as part of a healthy diet.

The Beef and Linhart PR teams collaborate to identify ranchers primed for the news media with unique, interesting stories; together, the group identified a gem – a female cattle rancher, Kiah Twisselman, with a vivacious personality who had lost more than 100 lbs. and was passionate about the role ranching and beef played in her lifestyle-change journey.

How could Linhart PR position the story of this female rancher in a way that would appeal to national news media?


Calling on its longtime creative storytelling and national news-making experience, Linhart PR developed a focused approach to meet Beef’s key message and coverage goals in a big way.

The team leveraged two key strategies:

1. Identify the sweet spot where story offers and outlets intersect: People Magazine does a “Half My Size” feature issue twice a year and Linhart PR was confident Kiah would be a perfect fit since she had recently lost just over 100 lbs. – the benchmark to be considered. As a result, People was our primary media target for Kiah’s story.

2. Let the people that know the story serve as the storytellers: Kiah was the expert in her own weight loss journey, but she was also an expert in cattle ranching. And, thanks to her work with the Kentucky Beef Council as a nutrition spokesperson, she was well-versed in the nutritious benefits of beef and trained to share her story in an engaging way.

Once People expressed interest in Kiah’s story, Linhart PR worked closely with the Beef team to prepare Kiah for the interview with beef nutrition and cattle ranching key messages, and ensured Beef imagery was included in the photos of Kiah for the magazine.


By highlighting Kiah’s weight loss to a carefully chosen outlet and recurring feature, the team was able to celebrate cattle ranching and position beef as a top protein that can – and should – be part of a healthy, balanced diet.

In total, Kiah’s story was not only featured in People’s print and online editions, and across the outlet’s social channels, it was amplified to national broadcast and beyond, resulting in 40 stories and 1.8 billion impressions.  

Here are the highlights:

--The People Magazine feature ran in print and online with an accompanying video; plus the article was shared on People’s social channels for a total reach of 75.6 million

--National broadcast picked up on Kiah’s compelling story, driving interviews with Good Morning America and Entertainment Tonight that ran online and were also shared on social channels for a reach of 35.4million

--Online outlets – including ABC News Online, The Daily Mail, MSN and Yahoo! News – covered the story, for a combined impressions total of 1.6 billion

--Several local market TV and radio stations interviewed Kiah, too, for another 1.7 million impressions

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